
Our support of your goal to be an excellent teacher does not end on graduation day.  Teacher induction is support and guidance for teachers in the early stages of their careers (e.g., mentoring, professional development).  We offer this type of support to our alumni and are building an active Sherman Program Alumni network to facilitate the maintenance of relationships, opportunities for professional development, and connection to the Sherman community.

  • Program Staff:  Staff conduct classroom visits to offer advice and coaching to alumni on self-identified needs.  We also mentor them as required by any professional, especially someone new to the workforce.
  • Mentor Teachers: The assistance and encouragement of a seasoned teacher is invaluable as you settle into your own classroom; therefore, we will work with you to identify a mentor teacher in your school building or district.
  • Incentives: The program may provide financial support to you for things like conference registration fees and supplies for special projects.
  • Leadership: As program alumni, you know what intrinsic characteristics are fundamental and what supports are critical in developing great teachers, especially for high-needs classrooms. We will look to you for assistance in recruiting, selecting and training new scholars and mentoring alumni.